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Med Spa Long Beach

Med Spa Long Beach

Step into the world of Med Spa near Long Beach at the House of Aesthetics Med Spa. Discover a curated selection of cutting-edge services designed to elevate your aesthetic experience. From Botox to Microneedling and Sciton Lasers, our treatments tailored for your transformation, promising a refreshed and radiant version of yourself.

1. Botox

Botox has become one of the most sought-after aesthetic treatments due to its effectiveness at reducing fine lines and wrinkles around the eyes. It’s quick, relatively safe, and only has minor side effects such as temporary bruising or eye numbness as potential side effects.

House of Aesthetics team uses this injectable treatment to smooth away wrinkles and enhance facial features – with results so undetectable, even an expert may struggle to spot improvements!

2. Dermal Fillers

Dermal Fillers are an incredible way to enhance beauty while creating balance and subtlety in appearance. An increasingly popular treatment, fillers are great at restoring volume loss, smoothing wrinkles away, and creating more youthful contours.

Consultations are an integral component of aesthetic journey. At House of Aesthetics, we discuss your aesthetic goals & closely analyze facial anatomy. By employing this tailored, customized approach, we are able to deliver beautiful results that perfectly compliment both facial features & bone structures.

Our fillers only made from high quality ingredients that have demonstrated safe and effective, using an extensive portfolio of hyaluronic acid & collagen-based fillers that restore lost volume & reduce lines & wrinkles.

3. Lip Fillers

Lip fillers are soft, injectable gel-like substances used to increase lip volume for a fuller and lusher appearance. A popular non-invasive cosmetic treatment option, lip fillers have become increasingly popular as many individuals with smaller lips due to birth or due to age lose their natural contour through time.

Experienced injectionists can transform lips without creating an unattractive “bee-stung” look with only one or two injections of hyaluronic acid fillers like Restylane Kysse for a subtle enhancement in both shape and appearance.

Lip Fillers not only add volume to lips but can also help correct asymmetries, lift downturned corners of the mouth, soften vertical lines around the mouth and decrease gum smile. Plus, there’s no downtime associated with this treatment!

4. Kybella

Poorly formed submental fat, more commonly referred to as a double chin, may resist even the strictest diet and exercise programs. But thanks to advanced aesthetic treatments like Kybella, you can redefine your jawline and enhance overall facial profile for a more balanced and confident appearance.

Treatment includes injections containing deoxycholic acid, which is a naturally-occurring molecule responsible for breaking down and digesting dietary fats. When administered subcutaneously into the chin area, this product destroys cells which store fat, ultimately leading to slimmer and more defined contours over time.

Before commencing treatment, your healthcare provider will apply cream or topical anesthetic to numb the area to address. After treatment has concluded, patients may experience swelling or bruising in the affected area which can alleviated with ice packs and over-the-counter pain medication. Results typically take several days to a week before becoming fully apparent.

5. Microneedling

Microneedling is one of the most sought-after skin rejuvenation treatments available, being known to reduce fine lines and wrinkles, acne scarring, uneven skin tone, pore size and tighten and firm the skin through collagen formation.

Treatment uses a pen-like device with tiny needles to produce micropunctures in the skin, which will heal by producing new collagen, creating plumper and smoother-looking skin.

The procedure is virtually pain-free and suitable for all skin types and tones, including sensitive ones. A numbing cream applied prior to starting, which often produces a brief but tolerable scratchy sensation that quickly passes. Once completed, nourishing serum then applied that helps your body absorb the essential vitamins from micro-channels created by needle punctures for effective rejuvenation of the skin. You will leave our office looking vibrantly fresh-faced.

6. Sciton Lasers

Sciton lasers are cutting-edge tools in the cosmetic industry. They’re ideal for body contouring and tightening as well as decreasing cellulite, wrinkles and scarring – without leaving behind an invasive procedure or scar. Plus, they allow individuals to resume normal activities quickly following treatment!

Sciton’s ProFractional Laser creates microscopic channels in your skin to promote natural healing processes while attenuating acne scarring, sun damage, pigmentation irregularities and fine lines and wrinkles. This procedure has proven extremely successful.

Experience a new, smooth complexion with BBL (Broadband Light). This treatment can assist in diminishing freckles, age spots, small facial veins and rosacea symptoms as well as stimulating collagen production for overall rejuvenation from within.

7. BBL Hero

BBL Hero is the next-generation of intensive pulsed light treatment. A noninvasive procedure, it activates your skin’s latent rejuvenation potential to address numerous skin conditions including sun damage, discoloration, fine lines and wrinkles and uneven skin tone or texture.

HERO offers significant improvements over its predecessor BBL device with four times faster speed, three times higher peak power and two times better cooling – ideal for treating large areas such as chest and back quickly and effortlessly.

At each session, the BBL HERO handpiece will place over your skin and bursts of light energy will apply through bursts of energy from bursts. A slight sunburn sensation may arise for several hours but should quickly subside. Brown spots may temporarily darken due to healing processes; these darkening processes should gradually lessen over time as part of healing processes. You will experience clearer, smoother skin over time by receiving regular treatments spaced about a month apart as well as annual maintenance sessions.

8. Moxi Laser

Gain year-round glow with MOXI laser treatment’s gentle yet powerful approach. MOXI works by applying non-ablative 1927nm wavelength energy that targets water within cells to reduce redness, large pores, wrinkles and sun damage. Unlike more invasive light therapies such as LED or IPL treatments, it does not cause pain and is quick – earning its nickname of the “lunchtime facial.”

Moxi laser is ideal for anyone just beginning their skincare journey or seeking to reduce visible signs of aging. Safe for all skin tones, Moxi laser can safely use on face, neck and chest areas.

An MOXI session typically lasts 12-15 minutes, during which you will experience a mild heating sensation as the provider moves the tip over your face; it is completely tolerable, and most patients even opt for numbing cream before their MOXI treatment. After the treatment, some redness or swelling similar to mild sunburn symptoms may persist for a short period, before quickly subsiding afterwards.

Rediscover a fresh, youthful glow with Moxi, exclusively at House of Aesthetics near Long Beach.

9. Laser Hair Removal (Forever Bare BBL)

Unwanted hair growth is a widespread problem that’s difficult to address through conventional means such as waxing, shaving and plucking. Our medical-grade Sciton Forever Bare BBL laser can permanently reduce unwanted hair, thus eliminating the need for such treatments in the future.

Forever Bare BBL light energy penetrates hair pigment and destroys follicles to stop future hair growth, providing safe and effective treatment suitable for all skin types, with most people experiencing permanent reduction after six-8 treatments.

Kathleen is highly trained in the Sciton Laser System and passionate about helping guests realize their aesthetic goals. She specializes in treatments such as laser hair removal and skin rejuvenation often combine treatments to address other concerns like acne scarring discoloration wrinkles or disfigurements. Schedule your consultation with Kathleen now to see how she can assist!

10. Acne Treatment (Forever Clear BBL)

Light is use as an effective noninvasive treatment to tackle acne breakouts in this noninvasive procedure that uses light to target bacteria that cause acne, while stimulating skin cell regeneration, reducing redness, and decreasing inflammation. It is an extremely safe treatment that takes between 30-120 minutes per session on any body part – you may feel warmth during treatment but this should go away within hours or so. For optimal results after this therapy session, it’s advised that prolonged sun exposure avoided and key skincare products used as part of healthy, glowing skin care regime.

Sciton Forever Clear BBL laser utilizes blue, yellow and infrared light energy to effectively eliminate bacteria, reduce inflammation and rejuvenate skin for a healthier complexion. It can help you achieve glowing, radiant skin without resorting to creams or medications.

11. PDO Thread Lift: The Lift You Deserve

Experience a non-surgical facelift with PDO Thread Lift, a treatment that lifts and tightens sagging skin. Reclaim your youthful contours and defy gravity with this innovative procedure.

12. Skitter Alpharet Peel: The Radiant Peel Experience

Reveal a brighter complexion with the Skitter Alpharet Peel. This transformative peel combines exfoliation and skin renewal, leaving you with a luminous glow that reflects your inner radiance.

Why Choose House of Aesthetics Med Spa Near Long Beach, CA?

1. Expert Practitioners:

  • Our team comprises skilled and experienced practitioners dedicated to providing personalized care near our Long Beach med spa. With a commitment to your comfort and satisfaction, we guide you through every step of your transformative journey.

2. State-of-the-Art Technology:

  • Stay at the forefront of beauty and wellness with our use of the latest technology and techniques near our med spa in Long Beach, CA. We invest in cutting-edge equipment to ensure optimal results and the highest standard of care for our clients.

3. Serene Atmosphere:

  • Immerse yourself in a serene and luxurious environment designed to enhance your overall experience near our med spa in Long Beach. At House of Aesthetics, we believe in creating an ambiance of tranquility and sophistication, ensuring your visit is a retreat from the ordinary.

4. Personalized Approach:

  • Recognizing that each individual is unique, we customize our services to cater to your specific needs and desires at our med spa near Long Beach, CA. Your journey with us is tailored to ensure the best possible results and your utmost satisfaction.

At House of Aesthetics Med Spa near Long Beach, Orange County – Southern California, each service crafted to cater to your unique beauty needs, promising a journey of rejuvenation and self-discovery. Trust our skilled professionals to guide you through the magic of these transformative treatments, unveiling a more confident and radiant version of yourself.

Schedule your appointment today and let the transformation begin.

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