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Kybella in Huntington Beach - Your Solution to a Double Chin with Mesotherapy

If you're a Huntington Beach resident bothered by a double chin, Mesotherapy and Kybella might be the perfect solution. This FDA-approved injectable treatment dissolves stubborn fat under the chin, revealing a more defined and youthful profile. House of Aesthetics Med Spa is your trusted provider for customized Kybella treatments in Huntington Beach.

Kybella Double Chin Treatment in Huntington Beach

What Causes a Double Chin?

A double chin can be frustrating, even if you're at a healthy weight. Several factors contribute to this common concern:

  • Genetics: If others in your family have a double chin, you may be predisposed to it as well.
  • Weight Fluctuations: Gaining weight can lead to fat deposits under the chin, and while weight loss helps, sometimes stubborn fat remains.
  • Aging: As we get older, our skin naturally loses elasticity, potentially causing a double chin to become more noticeable.

What is Kybella with Mesotherapy?

Stubborn fat in areas like the chin, bra straps, arms, back, abdomen, or knees can be resistant to diet and exercise, affecting your overall appearance. Mesotherapy (Kybella), an FDA-approved injectable treatment, targets moderate to severe submental fat, commonly known as a double chin. Composed of deoxycholic acid, a natural fat-dissolving substance, Kybella liquefies fat cells upon injection, allowing your body to absorb them. It's a breakthrough solution for enhancing your profile and reducing unwanted fat.

How Does Kybella Work?

When a practitioner injects Kybella into your submental area (your chin), it kills fat cells, reducing the appearance of a double chin. The number of treatment sessions will vary based on the amount of fat under the chin and your treatment goals.

Kybella vs. Other Treatments

  • CoolSculpting: Both Kybella and CoolSculpting offer non-invasive fat reduction. CoolSculpting freezes fat cells, while Kybella dissolves them with an injection. Kybella is often preferred for its precise targeting under the chin, while CoolSculpting may be better for larger areas.
  • Liposuction: Liposuction is a surgical procedure to remove fat. Kybella offers a less invasive alternative with minimal downtime for those looking to avoid surgery.

Why Choose House of Aesthetics for Kybella in Huntington Beach

At House of Aesthetics, we understand the impact a double chin can have on your confidence. Our Huntington Beach clinic offers expert Kybella treatments with several advantages:


Experienced Providers

Our team is highly trained and skilled in Kybella administration for optimal results.


Personalized Plans

We tailor your Kybella treatment plan to your specific needs and goals.


Focus on Your Comfort

We ensure a comfortable and positive experience throughout your Kybella journey.

Kybella's Key Benefits

  • Non-Surgical Solution: Experience a minimally invasive treatment with little to no downtime.
  • Natural-Looking Results: Kybella’s gradual effect ensures a subtle and natural reduction in under-chin fat.
  • Boosted Self-Esteem: A slimmer jawline can significantly enhance your confidence and self-image.

Cost of Kybella

Since each Kybella treatment will vary depending on the number of injections needed. The pricing varies from patient to patient. On average, Kybella treatments cost anywhere between $1,000 and $2,400 per treatment. The number of treatments you’ll need will decide the total cost. Most patients will require 2-4 treatment sessions spaced 6-8 weeks apart. Kybella delivers permanent fat reduction and a slimmer jawline worth the investment for many.

Kybella Before and After

Explore remarkable Mesotherapy and Kybella before and after pictures showcasing the transformative effects of this non-surgical double chin treatment. Witness real results and envision the possibilities for achieving a more contoured jawline.

How Long Does Kybella Last?

Kybella treatment produce long-lasting results. For most people, the results should last for several years, and sometimes even a lifetime. The amount of time required for the procedure to be effective will depend on the severity of the condition and the number of vials used. Most patients will require three to four treatment sessions. If large amounts of fat targeted, additional treatments may be necessary.

How Long Does Kybella Swelling Last?

Kybella is an FDA-approved injection that breaks down fat cells under the chin. It works by triggering an inflammatory response. This causes the swelling and bruising that is common with Kybella injections. The swelling may last for several days to a month. This is a natural reaction to the deoxycholic acid that is use in the injection.

Kybella FAQs

Can Kybella Be Used on Love Handles?

Love handles” are excessive fatty areas around waist above the hips. Kybella can be use if you are in good shape and have the ideal amount of body fat. In the past, invasive liposuction procedures were necessary to eliminate deposits beneath your lower belly. However, today Kybella, non-surgical solution can improve the appearance of both belly and love handles without surgery or downtime.

Can I Get Kybella While Pregnant?

While Kybella is generally safe for pregnant women, doctors advise against getting Kybella if you are pregnant or nursing. Kybella is not recommended during pregnancy or nursing as a woman's body is especially sensitive to deoxycholic acid and could experience serious complications if there is an allergic reaction or the treatment goes awry.

Can I stop taking anti-inflammatory drugs or blood thinners before beginning Kybella therapy?

If you take blood-thinning drugs such as NSAIDs (ibuprofen) or acetaminophen, it is imperative that these are stopped one week prior to receiving your Kybella injections. Additionally, avoid any food or supplements which could thin your blood, such as turmeric, ginger, Vitamin E, garlic, Gingko biloba and fish rich in Omega 3.

Can I resume working out after Kybella injections?

No, unlike many other body contouring treatments, you don't need to wait until after your Kybella injections before beginning physical activity again. However, give your body time to heal from the procedure so it can work properly.

Can I Have More Than One Kybella Treatment?

Most doctors recommend three to four treatment sessions spaced about one month apart for optimal results. Patients usually notice a visible decrease in their double chin after two sessions, though it may take up to four or more treatments in order to see full benefits.

Can I have this treatment at a Med Spa?

At House of Aesthetics Med spa, practitioners can administer Kybella. We will mark the treatment sites before administering injections, use topical numbing cream to reduce discomfort during your Kybella treatment. Post treatment we recommend placing a cold compress or ice pack on the treatment area to help with swelling.

Is Kybella Covered by Insurance?

In general, health insurance does not cover the cost of Kybella. However, we offer memberships, discounts and special promotions to reduce out-of-pocket expenses for this procedure.

What Are the Side Effects of Kybella?

Kybella is generally safe for most patients, though some may experience temporary discomfort and swelling around their chin area. This could make it difficult to swallow, so patients should speak to their doctor before receiving injections.

It's possible that taking medication can cause bruising around your chin area, especially if you have a history of blood clotting issues or are taking drugs like aspirin or ibuprofen. If any of these apply to you, your doctor may suggest an alternate medication to address double chin symptoms.

After your Kybella treatment, you may experience some swelling and tenderness in the treated area. This is a normal reaction to the procedure and should go away within a few days.

How Much Does a Single Session of Kybella Cost?

The cost of an individual treatment session varies based on several factors, the number of vials used per treatment and where you reside. As with any type of medical injectable, patients' safety and quality should always come first when selecting a provider for this type of injection. Kybella treatments cost anywhere between $1,000 and $2,400 per treatment. 

After Treatment Recovery

With multiple treatments, your chin will appear slimmer and more defined. However, results don't show immediately; they take up to 12 weeks before they become visible.

Most patients can return to work the day of their procedure, though swelling may persist for up to a week. Swelling may be more noticeable if you have excess fat under your chin but usually subsides with subsequent treatments.

Can You Get Kybella in Your Stomach?

Up until recently, this injectable only approved to treat fat beneath the chin. Now it can also be use on other body areas like abdomens, thighs and armpits with guidance from an experienced practitioner.

Can Kybella Be Used on Cheeks?

Kybella, which has a valid indication for use around the chin, can also be use to lift up cheeks that have become loose. Kybella works by dissolving fat cells so they shrink or eliminated by your body through deoxycholic acid. An ingredient presents in Kybella that dissolves fat cells to promote cell turnover and rejuvenation.

Can Kybella Be Used on Arms?

Kybella can injected into other body areas that have pockets of fat, such as back of neck, arms, abdomen or love handles; however, this use considered "off label" and it has not yet been FDA approved for these additional uses.

Can Kybella cause hair loss at the injection site?

Hair loss at injection sites is uncommon but could occur. The severity of this side effect depends on how many injections given and how long you wait between treatments.

How Long Will Results Take to Show?

Results from Kybella can seen within four weeks, however most patients require multiple treatments for optimal success. It is therefore essential that you plan ahead for your next appointment and book it well in advance of any special events you have planned.

If you are considering Kybella, be sure to find a board-certified practitioner who has an experience in the procedure. Doing so will guarantee the safest care possible.

Can I Sleep on My Side After Kybella?

It is essential to avoid sleeping on your side after Kybella as this position puts pressure on any incisions or implants and may lead to shifting or delayed healing. Therefore, it's best to lie flat on your back with part of your upper body elevated for support.

To minimize swelling after treatment, apply cold compresses on and off for two hours. It's also beneficial to sleep upright with a couple of pillows and reduce salt intake.

How Many Vials of Kybella Do I Need?

Your answer to this question depends on your aesthetic goals, desired look after treatment and desired amount of fat you wish to lose. The best way to find out is to consult with our experienced professional about your options.

Are the Results of Kybella Permanent?

Unfortunately, no. However, if you maintain your weight and don't gain any additional fat, the effects should last a long time.

Reclaim your confidence with Kybella in Huntington Beach!

Contact House of Aesthetics for a consultation and take the first step towards a more contoured and confident you.

Call us at 714 596 1053 or contact us online for service in Huntington beach, orange county, and nearby areas of California.

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