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I’m interested in at-home LightStim devices. Does House of Aesthetics offer these?

While House of Aesthetics does not sell at-home LightStim devices, we can help guide you towards finding the right device for your needs and budget. Here’s how we can support you:

  • Personalized Advice: During a consultation, we’ll discuss your skin concerns and help determine if a home-use LightStim device is suitable for you.
  • Recommendations: We can recommend specific LightStim devices based on your goals and advise on reputable retailers where you can purchase them.
  • Usage Tips: We can provide instructions on how to effectively and safely use your at-home LightStim device to maximize its benefits.
  • Ongoing Support: Even with home use, we encourage follow-up consultations at House of Aesthetics to monitor progress and integrate professional LightStim treatments if needed.

Schedule a consultation at House of Aesthetics to explore the world of at-home LightStim devices and how they can complement your skincare routine. Visit our LightStim LED Light Facial main page.

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