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I’m considering PRP microneedling in Huntington Beach. Are there any specific pre-procedure instructions?

Yes! Following specific pre-procedure instructions is essential for a safe and successful PRP microneedling experience in Huntington Beach. Here’s what you need to know:

  • Medication Check: Inform your House of Aesthetics provider of any medications or supplements you take, as some might need to be temporarily discontinued to reduce bleeding risk.
  • Topical Products: Typically, you’ll be asked to stop using retinoids, exfoliating acids, or other active skincare products several days before your treatment.
  • Sun Protection: Avoid excessive sun exposure and tanning beds in the week leading up to your procedure. Sunburned skin is not suitable for microneedling.
  • Hydration: Stay well-hydrated before your appointment, as this aids in the PRP collection process and promotes overall healing.
  • Clean Arrival: Arrive with clean skin, free of makeup or lotions.

Your House of Aesthetics provider will give you more detailed and personalized pre-procedure instructions.

Ready to get started with PRP microneedling? Visit our Microneedling page or contact House of Aesthetics today!

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